glossodelia: A performance by Gary Hill & George Quasha

Sat, Mar 31, 2012 at 7pm

This event has passed.

A performance by Gary Hill & George Quasha for multiple cameras, microphones, video projectors, computers, electronic drums (Roland Octapad), Serge Modular, assorted effect boxes, Kinect, software programs Max/MSP/jitter, Process and others all manifesting towards self-reorienting language/sounds/rhythms/images (“axials”), paper and acrylics, and human bodies on the verge.

What are glossodelia? To answer this question beyond the literal meaning of the word—“revealing tongues”—Gary Hill and George Quasha enter into a state of co-performative inquiry by way of what they use for language. This includes just about anything that can be generated in real (and hyperreal) time, such as sound, image, word, gesture, and a range of semi-definable electronic phenomena (“electronic linguistics”). What they generate through various instruments (“psychotropic languaging vehicles”) becomes a field of strange attractors (“dynamical lingualia”) with a pull toward possible language realities (“lingualities"). They have called it “a pulsational conversation with stepped-up intensity in which Real Time is invited to show its other side.”

Henry Art Gallery

15th Ave NE and NE 41st
Seattle, WA 98195