KEXP & Flat Field Records Present KEXP Audioasis: Twitch and Gloam

Thu, Jun 20, 2013 at 8pm

  • 21+
This event has passed.

Performances by:
Nightmare Fortress
Grey Gardens
Haunted Horses
Music For Evenings

“As a boy growing up in the Pacific Northwest, Lynch maintained an idyllic balance– with a twist. Middle America was what it appeared to be. But then on the cherry tree would be this pitch oozing out, some of it black, some of it yellow, and there will millions and millions of read ants racing all over the sticky pitch, all over the tree. So you see, there’s this beautiful world and you just look a little closer and it’s all red ants.” –on David Lynch, “Beautiful Dark” by Greg Olson.

What is it?
An aesthetically-themed collection of 12 tracks from sound collectives possessing music venues + house shows + art + fashion + film-based social rituals in Seattle, Portland, and Vancouver, B.C.
Def. Verb + Noun:

twitch – to ache sharply from time to time; twinge. + gloam – the time of day immediately following sunset; “he loved the twilight”; “they finished before the fall of night”
A spectre is haunting the Pacific Northwest — the spectre of twitch and gloam. All the powers of old America have entered into an unholy alliance to celebrate this spectre: Celine + D’Argento, Throbbing Gristle + Peter Sotos, French Radicals + German police-spies.

All these small cluster-fucks of mayhem-makers are asking here in Seattle + Portland + Vancouver, B.C. is: Where is the party? Have we only been decried as occult, arcane, esoteric by opponents in Power? Your god save our reactionary adversaries.

Two things result from this fact:

I. Twitch & Gloam is already acknowledged by all post-European powers to be itself a power.

II. It is high time that enlightened musicians should openly, in the face of the whole world, perform and produce their views, their aims, their tendencies, and meet this nursery tale of the spectre of the collective with a sound manifesto of Gloam itself.

Chop Suey

1325 East Madison
Seattle, WA 98122