Cascadia Climate Action presents: Progress on Climate in the Pacific NW
What Does the Latest NCA Mean for Us?

Thu, Nov 30, 2023 at 7pm

  • All ages welcome
  • Food truck
  • Dress warmly!
This event has passed.

The recently released 5th National Climate Assessment (NCA5) provided the updates on the latest science on climate risks, impacts, and action. How does this latest scientific report impact climate policy in the Pacific Northwest and beyond? To find out, we are bringing experts involved in writing the NCA5 to come tell the story of these periodic reports and how the information will be put to use for enhanced policy.  

The panel will include NCA authors across multiple chapters, but who are based in Washington state, including Michael Chang from Cascadia Consulting Group (Lead Author, Northwest chapter), Melissa Schutten from Na’ah Illahee Fund (Author, Social Systems and Justice chapter), Lisa Crozier from NOAA’s Northwest Fisheries Science Center (Author, Northwest chapter), Nathalie Voisin (Author, Energy chapter), among others. Learn how these scientific reports are produced and how they support achieving the goal of "Using Sound Science to Manage Climate Impacts". [President's Climate Action Plan 2014]

Local climate action advocates will also be there to answer questions about how to get involved and to advocate for climate action and community involvement.  There will be plenty of time for Q&A and networking under the canopy warmed by the beer garden's heaters.  Bring questions to ask the experts and learn some of the highlights of what progress has been made in our backyards. 

Come early to enjoy dinner from the food truck Vandalz Taqueria!  Super tasty food to have with "Just Really Good" Bickersons' beer before the presentations begin! Enjoy the camaraderie! Meet new friends and have fun learning about progress on climate mitigation!

Bickersons Brewhouse in Ballard

1514 NW Leary Way
Seattle, WA 98107