Consent Advocate Training

Postponed, new date TBD

This event has passed.

How do you actually sit and talk to people when an incident happens? What skills do you need to be able to talk to someone who has been harmed? What skills do you need to talk with someone accused of harm? This skills based class will focus on exercises, discussion, and group work to help you answer those questions. We will work on role definition, active listening skills, report taking, and dealing with difficult people.

This class has no prerequisites. It is perfect for anyone who needs to talk with someone about a consent incident.

Important Details:

  • Location pending. We will send an email when the location has been confirmed.
  • For questions, contact

About the Facilitators:

The Consent Academy is a group of dedicated educators and activists who provide quality consent training and consultations. We have come together to promote Consent Culture through education, speaking out, and supporting organizations that want to do better. We talk a lot about consent and consensual activity. It’s the cornerstone of what we teach and who we are. And while that is easy to say, we know that living a dedication to consent takes work, awareness, and a willingness to engage.

Presented by the Consent Academy. Please go to for more information.

online via Zoom

Seattle, WA