Anti-Racism and Consent 202
Sun, Nov 22, 2020 from 1pm - 3pm
In part two of this class series, we will take a closer look into the characteristics of white supremacy culture (Kenneth Jones & Tema Okun, 2001) with the intent of unlearning and uprooting Whiteness from within ourselves, our communities, and institutions. We will use consent concepts and tools to frame our analysis and discussion, as well as to continue building on our antiracist praxis. Join the Consent Academy for a look at this crucial topic and be a part of the conversation. This class is geared towards white folks who are working to understand how to counter racism and white supremacy. BIPOC folks are welcome to join.
- This is an online class via Zoom. You must purchase your ticket in advance. Ticket sales end at 11:00am on the day of the workshop. Instructions for access will be emailed to you before the workshop begins.
- Class time is listed in Pacific Time. Use this Time Zone Converter to see what time the class will be for you:
- No late entry will be allowed due to the intimate nature of this workshop. Access will be blocked at 10 minutes after the start time.
- Open to all 18+
- All sexes, genders, races, ethnicities, sexual orientations, relationship orientations welcome and celebrated.
- Scholarships available to those in need.
- Questions may be directed to:
About the Educators:
The Consent Academy is a group of dedicated educators and activists who provide quality consent training and consultations. We have come together to promote Consent Culture through education, speaking out, and supporting organizations that want to do better. We talk a lot about consent and consensual activity. It’s the cornerstone of what we teach and who we are. And while that is easy to say, we know that living a dedication to consent takes work, awareness, and a willingness to engage.
This event is presented by the Consent Academy. Please go to for more information.